Universal Service

Universal Worship Service | Rising Tide International | Sarasota, FL

Check the calendar for the next scheduled service

The Universal Worship celebrates the unity of all religious faiths on one altar by lighting candles to represent the diversity of faiths and offering prayers to honor all religions. A Cherag (from the Persian word for ‘lamp’) facilitates this service along with other services such as weddings, funerals, baby blessings, and house blessings. Cherags at Rising Tide are available to the Sarasota community at large. Universal Worship is held every Sunday

The Universal Worship Service is an egalitarian worship service that celebrates all of humanity’s religions and spiritual traditions on a single altar. Scriptures, songs, prayers, chants, and offerings from each of the religious traditions is accompanied with universalist prayers that honor all faiths as lights serving humanity’s unfoldment. A candle is lit representing the light of each of these religions. These services are led by a Reverend Cherag.

Rev. Tara Anne Muir
Executive Director of The Universal Worship

Universal Worship Information:

Visit Universal Worship Website