Sheikh Ghassan Manasra

Support Ghassan SliderDear Friends of Sheikh Ghassan Manasra and Rising Tide International,We are happy to have Sheikh Ghassan staying in our community right now (as of November 2015) and for the foreseeable future. Sheikh Ghassan cannot work right now as he is on a visitor’s visa, however, you can make contributions here that will help him pay for his cost of living and expenses while in the USA, and you can also contribute financially toward his legal fees.With deep thanks,

Rising Tide International

Sheikh Ghassan Manasra

Sheikh Ghassan Photo 1

 Sheikh Ghassan Manasra is one of the Abrahamic Reunion’s Co-Coordinators (With Eliyahu McLean) in the Holy Land. He is an ordained Sheikh in the Qadiri Sufi Order in the Holy Land, and son of Sheikh Abdel Salaam Manasra – head of the Qadiri Sufi Order in the Holy Land. He is the founder of Anwar-Il-Salaam, the Lights of Peace Center in Nazareth, and  is Director, Islamic Cultural Center in Nazareth. Ghassan is an expert and lectures in Islam, Islamic history, Sufism, and contemporary Muslim issues  in the Middle East, Europe, and the USA. He is married to daughter of late Sheikh Baghdadi, renowned Muslim leader, and Holy Land facilitator in interfaith dialogue projects.

Ghassan has received multiple awards and accolades for his peacemaking, including most recently the 2014 “Outstanding Leader in Interreligious Dialogue Award” from the renowned Dialogue Institute at Temple University.

Press Coverage/ Mentions

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