To be done at sunrise. Look at the sun or face the sun, eyes closed, and imagine looking directly into the sun. Can be done sitting or standing. As you… Read more »
To be done at sunrise. Look at the sun or face the sun, eyes closed, and imagine looking directly into the sun. Can be done sitting or standing. As you… Read more »
Breathe into the “third eye,” the spot on your forehead between and slightly above your eyes. Keep the head erect and facing forward. Say silently “Allah.” Breathe out, twice as… Read more »
Say out loud “Allah” while moving the head down and to the left, directing the energy into the physical heart. Silently breathe in as you move the head back up…. Read more »
Be in love. Think of someone or something you love, and feel the love. Pay attention to your breath. Breathe in and out of your heart center, in the center… Read more »