Shahabuddin David Less & Dayamai Morin call us to help Swami Sundaranand Ji raise $280,000 USD for a the construction of a Sacred Meditation Monument at the birthplace of the Holy Ganges River in Gangotri, India.
The total cost for this project is $700,000. Help us raise the remaining $275,000 to create a lasting monument that will commemorate the spiritual heritage of humanity and the scared waters of the Ganges in Gangotri, the source of the Holy Ganges River.
Swami Sundaranand-ji has had a spiritual vision for years to build a photo gallery and meditation center devoted to environmental awareness, protection and spiritual awakening, on this site where he, his master and other saints and rishis for thousands of years have meditated and done their sadhana.
The center will consist of a 2,000 sq ft meditation tower overlooking the waterfall that is the birthplace of the Ganges and a 10,000 sq ft building for yoga and meditation that includes the gallery for Swami-ji’s photos of the Himalayas and glaciers. The building will also have guest accommodations for spiritual seekers.
Here are some photos of the Meditation Monument plans.